
In the Genealogy Department at the East Bloomfield Historical Society, we currently have 92,090 records in our genealogy database, and over 1,000 Family Surname Folders on families that currently live or have lived here in the past. Some information we have include articles on birth, marriage, and death and many articles written about the family members. We also have 124 Genealogy Books on local families given to us by family members. These books give the genealogy written and/or researched/compiled by a member of the family.
Have you had DNA done through Ancestry, My Heritage, 23 and Me, Family Tree DNA, etc.? It is great to know your origins but wouldn't it be even better if you also had all the particulars about your ancestors including information on birth, marriage and death records, where they lived, family stories, newspaper articles about your family, pictures, etc.? We have a wonderful collection of East Bloomfield History, Ontario County History, local and some nearby Church and Cemetery Records, Scrapbooks, Newspaper Clippings and much more.
We receive requests from people from all over the U.S. asking for any information we have in our files on their family. Many people are researching their family tree, journalists are writing books on people who lived here, etc.
Beginning Your Genealogical Research
You can begin your family inquiry by visiting our index of records. There you will enter the family surname you are researching to see if it is contained in our archives. When there is a match, all individuals with that surname will be displayed along with each given name and middle initial. The location where each name can be found will also be listed. We will research our files and gather all the information we find by checking our database. We make copies of all the information we find and send it to you. We do charge a nominal fee for each copy, postage and a fee for the number of hours you authorize us to research all our files.

Scheduling a Visit
If you are interested in visiting the Historical Society to continue your research, you can schedule an appointment with our genealogist. The genealogy staff is available most Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or by scheduled appointment.
Completing the Research Request Form before the appointment will assist the genealogy staff in better aiding you in your request for family information.
Research Requests
If you are not able to schedule a visit or prefer to have the genealogy staff conduct the research, complete the Research Request Form and send to the East Bloomfield Historical Society along with a $20 payment. When research is completed, a bill will be submitted to you and upon receipt of payment (personal or certified bank check), our research will be mailed to you.

Research Fees
Members in good standing receive one half hour of genealogy volunteer research free annually. Members can do their own in-office research without charge. Making copies with our copier are $.25 per black page, $.50 per color page. Postage and handling additional, as required.

$10 per visit plus the cost of any copies.
Research done by our volunteer staff is $20/hour (plus copy fees).
- $.25 per page - Black/White copy.
- $.50 per page - Color copy.
- $.15 per page using your camera or scanner.
- $.50 each for digitally scanned computer material.
- Postage and handling additional, as required.
Professional Organization Request:
Fee subject to negotiation.